To get exact information which you need from Google by refining your search word is a speciality. We rely on Google for all the information whichever we need. In many cases, our search results will give us only disappointment. Because we may formed the search word as common. According to the Google search site, if our search questions correct, then we get the information we were looking for. Therefore, we need to learn the search words to get right information which we need. Usually, interrupts, and other signs that we offer so much importance. However, Google offers. Few indexes that Google understands are as follows: + Google + page or blood type (AB +) to take on Google search. @ Social status tag (Social tags) & Google is looking for specific feedback % In the value of the data. $ This refers to the price. # Will also find information on specific topics If you want to get information from particular site, include "site" along with your search
Saravana Santhosh